Film and Video Editing May Be the Most leading Part of production Movies
To the novice, film and video editing sounds like one of those wholly technical subjects, only possibly enthralling to citizen with very logical and pragmatic minds, much like engineers. Visions of darkrooms and sterile-looking studios filled with all types of inexplicable mechanical equipment, where rolls of film negatives are poured over and scrutinized by serious-looking people, then diced, sliced and spliced back together, somewhat completes the total mental picture. Clinical, stark, precise. But in actuality, film and video editing is much more than celluloid or electronic image surgery. In fact, it's quite the opposite.
Think of it this way; man shoots a video of your beloved cousin's wedding. The end goods is a nice, mostly continuous documentation of the event, with abrupt starts and stops here and there when the main operation changes or moves to a dissimilar area or location that necessitates a dissimilar "shot". The end result is a compilation of pictures and sound that is considerably good and hopefully more memorable and satisfying than still photographs, but still leaves a lot to be desired.
However, if the same raw video was settled into the hands of a skilled editor, the end result would be quite different. The resulting piece would tell the story of the culmination of your cousin's three-year romance, as narrated by several key family members. It would capture and convey to the viewing audience the couple's wedding day emotions of love, and joy and appreciation for one an additional one and family, prospect of the new life the consolidate intends to originate together, a bit of sadness for the life they are forever leaving behind, and so on. In other words, in the hands of a skilled editor, the video becomes a "story" with a beginning, middle and end; a cohesive synopsis of the couple's romance. A day in the life...
What most citizen not in the film or video business don't perceive is that film and video editing is an art form. Editing is arguably the most prominent element of film or video production. It is in the editing, the art of arranging pictures and dialog and sounds, that a accomplished film goods is able to enumerate a story first envisioned by its writer, and subsequently by a director and producer to its intended audience. Days, weeks even months of shots captured on film or video must be studied, interpreted analyzed and finally distilled into a story lasting a fraction of the time it took to capture it all.
People covering the film development business have slight or no idea about "post production" and the crucial part it plays in the output of a film or video work. It is because of the requisite significance of this phase of film and video output that the process takes an extended number of time to complete.
Much more that cutting and splicing pieces of cellophane together or merely arranging video sequence, editing is a fabulous blend of technical knowledge and skill combined with an artist's creativity and craftsmanship. It is moving, adding, deleting, juxtaposing, scenes, sounds, and images to compose film shots and video clips into a determined context, originate definite imagery and timing, evoke single emotion, originate definite imagery and mold them into a story.
Film editing as a craft began in the late 1890's in the very earliest days of appeal pictures. In the intervening years between then and now, whatever interested in learning about film or video editing, commonly attended college courses or one of a number of reputable film schools to learn the craft.
In his book, "The Technique Of Film And Video Editing", considered one of the best teaching and training tools for directors , Ken Dancyger highlights the history of film editing from its origins. He speaks specifically about the editing of great cinematographers such as Alfred Hitchcock and Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton, taking a detailed look at the underlying theory of film and video editing. He discusses ideas, practices and styles and choices for editors in the context of theory, the history of film and video editing, and practice. He also discusses new technology and the impact it has in terms of the art of editing.
One of the greatest changes to film and video editing occurred with the introduction of computer editing. Hand cutting and splicing of film, as well as the more complicated, mechanical and "linear" process of video editing, became tedious and outdated with the arrival of computer editing in the early 1990's. Editing on computers gave rise to a whole new creativity prized by film editors, as well as lower costs and much more efficiency in terms of video editing.
Whether for film or video, the editing process occurs in three basic steps. These comprise capture, the editing process itself, and putting the goods in a distributable form. During the capture phase, the actual "shots" or photo images are compiled into a format from which they can be edited. During the actual editing process, the variety of shots are organized in a desired sequence and sound is added through "sound mixing" until they form a total storyline. Once this has been accomplished, the film or video is finalized in the desired format whether film or high-quality video for distribution.
As technology continues to advance, the ways in which film and video are edited will continue to compose and progress. As it stands today, computers and user friend video editing software as well as the Internet have opened the doors to editing so that it is available to not only professional film and video editors. Now students of film and video and film development novices, as well as journalists, writers and the normal social have unprecedented passage to video editing tools. several beloved video editing programs make film and video editing inherent for professionals as well as novice editors, together with Avid Express Pro, Adobe Premier Pro, Sony Vegas, Final Cut Pro and Apple Final Cut Studio 2.
With today's technology and the advantage of personal computers, digital camera equipment and the availability of knowledge from new and increasingly fine software programs, approximately whatever with the desire, can learn film and video editing, produce commercial products and even feature movies from their home or personal studio.
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